Контрольная работа 140604-04 - работа из нашего списка "ГОТОВЫЕ РАБОТЫ". Мы помогли с ее выполнением и она была сдана на Отлично! Работа абсолютно эксклюзивная, нигде в Интернете не засвечена и Вашим преподавателям точно не знакома! Если Вы ищете уникальную, грамотно выполненную курсовую работу, контрольную, реферат и т.п. - Вы можете получить их на нашем ресурсе.
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Фрагмент работы:
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain what negotiations are and how they are held
Negotiations are a process when two or more parties with different needs and goals discuss different questions to find a mutually acceptable solution. Negotiations are a method by which people settle differences. In other words, it is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument.
It goes without saying, negotiation skills are highly important for business both for informal day-to-day contacts and for formal communication such as negotiating conditions of sale, delivery, payment and so on.
In my opinion, to achieve a perfect result, one should to follow a structured approach to negotiations.
It is widely accepted that the process of negotiations includes the following stages:
Preparation (During this stage it is necessary to ensure that you know everything necessary for successful negotiations).
Discussion (At this stage, each party puts forward the questions from their point of view. The essential skills for this stage are questioning, listening and clarifying).
Clearing up goals (After discussion the aims, interests and viewpoints of both sides should be cl
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