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Контрольная работа на тему Контрольная работа 140805-06


Контрольная работа 140805-06
Контрольная работа
10 с.

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Фрагмент работы:


1. Do exercise 5 on p. 65. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.
5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs:
(1) Large hotels, including the more luxurious resort hotels, usually offer a great variety of restaurants and bars for their guests to choose from. (2) Because of the large proportion of income contributed by a hotel's bars and restaurants, the food and beverage manager is a key member of the management staff. (3) The chef is responsible for planning the menus – that is, the food that is being served on a particular day – and for supervising the work of the other chefs and cooks. (4) Depending on the size of the establishment, several assistant chefs report to the chef. (5) Under the supervision of the chefs are the cooks who actually cook the food and then place it on the plate for the waiters to pick up. (6) When the guest puts his restaurant bill on his hotel account, this information must be passed the accounting office as quickly as possible. (7) The food and beverage income in many hotels is increased by providing service for banquets and conventions.

2. Do exercise 2 on p. 72: list the jobs in the restaurants or bars of a hotel and describe job requirements for each (training and qualification needed, special skills and experience).
– Maitre d' – a person in charge of a restaurant who tells guests where to sit and waiters what to do, etc.; no special training and qualification needed.
– Chef – a skilled, usually male cook, especially the chef cook in a hotel or restaurant. The chef is responsible for planning the menus, that is the food served on a particular day, and for supervising the work of the other chefs and cooks. Special training and qualification needed.
– Steward – a restaurant employ

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