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Контрольная работа 121030-05
6 с.

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Контрольная работа 121030-05 - работа из нашего списка "ГОТОВЫЕ РАБОТЫ". Мы помогли с ее выполнением и она была сдана на Отлично! Работа абсолютно эксклюзивная, нигде в Интернете не засвечена и Вашим преподавателям точно не знакома! Если Вы ищете уникальную, грамотно выполненную курсовую работу, контрольную, реферат и т.п. - Вы можете получить их на нашем ресурсе.
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Фрагмент работы:

Задание 1. Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


British law is divided into two parts – civil and criminal. There are also two types of courts – dealing with civil jurisdiction and the other, with criminal jurisdiction. The law of Britain distinguishes offences into main categories:
a) Indictable offences and
b) Non-indictable offences.
Indictable offences are the more serious crimes, which must be tried before a jury. Non-indictable offences are all the rest and they are tried by the Magistrates' Court.
However, nowadays there are many offences which may either be treated on indictment by a jury or by a Magistrates' Court. When a person is brought before the magistrates' Court charged with one of the overlapping offences, the court may in many cases treat the charge as being for a non-indictable offence. The principal courts of ordinary criminal jurisdiction in England and Wales include:
a) Magistrates' Courts, which try the less serious offences and conduct preliminary inquiries into the more serious offences. They are presided over by Justices of the Peace;
b) Quarter Sessions which take place at least four times a year. They deal with more serious offences and are presided over either by a legally quali

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